Our Downtown Camas 2045

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Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Community Summit on June 12th! If you were unable to attend, you can review the materials shared at the summit, including the draft Our Camas 2045 vision under "Project Documents".

In conjunction with Our Camas 2045, the City of Camas is developing a downtown subarea plan to establish a more detailed vision and action plan to catalyze public and private investment in our historic downtown that preserves and enhances its unique sense of place. Our Downtown Camas 2045 will be a visionary roadmap that honors our rich heritage and maintains our hometown feel while setting the stage for a thriving future.

Hometown. Downtown. Our Town. Our Downtown Camas 2045 is a unified endeavor and partnership involving all of our community, our residents, and our local businesses in shaping our future over the next two decades.

About the Project

Comprehensive plans provide a blueprint for future growth and development within a city or county boundaries and can include planning for multiple areas and neighborhoods. The formation of a subarea plan provides an opportunity to develop a more detailed vision of future growth and development specific to an area with unique characteristics, such as downtown Camas. Similar to a comprehensive plan, a subarea plan identifies goals, policies, and strategies that align with a common community vision. Our Downtown Camas 2045 will include a subarea plan with goals and policies that will help guide future changes in our historic downtown.

Subarea Planning Process

The subarea planning process will begin with the creation of a community vision for downtown Camas, to establish where the community would like the downtown to be in 20 years. The City will conduct engagement activities including stakeholder interviews, surveys, community events and visioning summits. Visioning activities are anticipated to occur in early 2024 and will be designed to create awareness of the project and engage our community in identifying what you love about downtown Camas today and what you would change to make downtown Camas an even better place to live, work, and play in the future.

Advisory Committees

Our Downtown Camas 2045 will be guided by three advisory committees – the Community Advisory Committee (CAC), the Downtown Camas Association Committee (DCA), and the Project Advisory Committee (PAC). These groups will review and comment on draft products, guide public outreach and engagement efforts, and act as champions of Our Downtown Camas 2045.

Public Involvement

Multiple outreach events will be held to provide community members with opportunities to engage in the planning process. Fun and engaging community events will provide a variety of activities for Camas community members to share their ideas. Additionally, staff and officials will be available to answer questions and discuss ideas with participants. Upcoming events will be posted to this website and advertised through the City’s social media channels.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Community Summit on June 12th! If you were unable to attend, you can review the materials shared at the summit, including the draft Our Camas 2045 vision under "Project Documents".

In conjunction with Our Camas 2045, the City of Camas is developing a downtown subarea plan to establish a more detailed vision and action plan to catalyze public and private investment in our historic downtown that preserves and enhances its unique sense of place. Our Downtown Camas 2045 will be a visionary roadmap that honors our rich heritage and maintains our hometown feel while setting the stage for a thriving future.

Hometown. Downtown. Our Town. Our Downtown Camas 2045 is a unified endeavor and partnership involving all of our community, our residents, and our local businesses in shaping our future over the next two decades.

About the Project

Comprehensive plans provide a blueprint for future growth and development within a city or county boundaries and can include planning for multiple areas and neighborhoods. The formation of a subarea plan provides an opportunity to develop a more detailed vision of future growth and development specific to an area with unique characteristics, such as downtown Camas. Similar to a comprehensive plan, a subarea plan identifies goals, policies, and strategies that align with a common community vision. Our Downtown Camas 2045 will include a subarea plan with goals and policies that will help guide future changes in our historic downtown.

Subarea Planning Process

The subarea planning process will begin with the creation of a community vision for downtown Camas, to establish where the community would like the downtown to be in 20 years. The City will conduct engagement activities including stakeholder interviews, surveys, community events and visioning summits. Visioning activities are anticipated to occur in early 2024 and will be designed to create awareness of the project and engage our community in identifying what you love about downtown Camas today and what you would change to make downtown Camas an even better place to live, work, and play in the future.

Advisory Committees

Our Downtown Camas 2045 will be guided by three advisory committees – the Community Advisory Committee (CAC), the Downtown Camas Association Committee (DCA), and the Project Advisory Committee (PAC). These groups will review and comment on draft products, guide public outreach and engagement efforts, and act as champions of Our Downtown Camas 2045.

Public Involvement

Multiple outreach events will be held to provide community members with opportunities to engage in the planning process. Fun and engaging community events will provide a variety of activities for Camas community members to share their ideas. Additionally, staff and officials will be available to answer questions and discuss ideas with participants. Upcoming events will be posted to this website and advertised through the City’s social media channels.

Page last updated: 18 Jun 2024, 04:35 PM