Our Camas 2045

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Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Community Summit on June 12th! If you were unable to attend, you can review the materials shared at the summit, including the draft Our Camas 2045 vision under "Project Documents".

Hometown. Our Town. Our Camas 2045 is a unified endeavor and partnership involving all of our community, our residents, and our local businesses in shaping our future over the next two decades.

The comprehensive plan is the City's primary controlling document for land use and development in Camas. The comprehensive plan represents the community’s vision for the future of Camas.

The plan contains a comprehensive plan map that identifies land use designations, such as commercial, low-density residential, and high-density residential. The map depicts how and where the city will grow and change over the next 20 years to accommodate population and job growth while remaining consistent with the community’s vision.

The City of Camas is undertaking a multi-year initiative to update the City’s comprehensive plan. The Our Camas 2045 Comprehensive Plan will establish a vision for our community and will articulate goals, objectives, policies, and actions to guide growth and development through 2045.

Why are we updating the plan? Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA) requires every county and city in the state to conduct a periodic update of their comprehensive plan and development regulations. The purpose of an update is to reevaluate and update the goals, objectives, policies, and actions in response to public input, new state requirements, and changes in the existing conditions or anticipated future conditions.

A lot has changed since Camas’ comprehensive plan was last updated in 2016. We have seen our population grow quickly, as well as changes in our community’s demographics, businesses and industries. In addition, new state legislation on housing (HB 1220, 1110, and 1337) and climate change (HB 1181) has been introduced requiring updates to the housing element and the addition of a climate element.

What goes in a comprehensive plan? Comprehensive plans are organized into planning elements, or chapters, that include a vision, overview, goals and policies specific to each element. Our Camas 2045 will develop the following elements:

  • Community Character (new)
  • Climate (new)
  • Land Use
  • Housing
  • Natural Environment
  • Transportation
  • Public Facilities and Services
  • Economic Development

The planning process will begin with developing a community vision for Camas, to establish where the community would like to be in 20 years. The City will conduct engagement activities including stakeholder interviews, surveys, community events and visioning summits. Visioning activities began in early 2024 and will engage our community in identifying what you love about Camas today and what you would change to make Camas an even better place to live, work, and play in the future.

Advisory Committees
Our Camas 2045 will be guided by three advisory committees – the Community Advisory Committee (CAC), Project Advisory Committee (PAC), and Climate Policy Advisory Team (CPAT). The committees will review and comment on draft products, guide public outreach and engagement efforts, provide technical and professional direction, act as liaisons to specific interest groups, and act as champions of Our Camas 2045. Committee rosters and meeting summaries can be found under Project Documents tab on the right side of this page.
Public Involvement
Multiple outreach events will be held to provide community members with opportunities to engage in the planning process and share your ideas. Stop by the Our Camas 2045 table at First Fridays, the Farmer's Market, and Camas Days. Fun and engaging community events will provide a variety of activities for Camas community members to share their ideas.

In conjunction with Our Camas 2045, the City is concurrently developing a subarea plan for downtown Camas. Our Downtown Camas 2045 will set a more detailed vision for Downtown Camas.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Community Summit on June 12th! If you were unable to attend, you can review the materials shared at the summit, including the draft Our Camas 2045 vision under "Project Documents".

Hometown. Our Town. Our Camas 2045 is a unified endeavor and partnership involving all of our community, our residents, and our local businesses in shaping our future over the next two decades.

The comprehensive plan is the City's primary controlling document for land use and development in Camas. The comprehensive plan represents the community’s vision for the future of Camas.

The plan contains a comprehensive plan map that identifies land use designations, such as commercial, low-density residential, and high-density residential. The map depicts how and where the city will grow and change over the next 20 years to accommodate population and job growth while remaining consistent with the community’s vision.

The City of Camas is undertaking a multi-year initiative to update the City’s comprehensive plan. The Our Camas 2045 Comprehensive Plan will establish a vision for our community and will articulate goals, objectives, policies, and actions to guide growth and development through 2045.

Why are we updating the plan? Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA) requires every county and city in the state to conduct a periodic update of their comprehensive plan and development regulations. The purpose of an update is to reevaluate and update the goals, objectives, policies, and actions in response to public input, new state requirements, and changes in the existing conditions or anticipated future conditions.

A lot has changed since Camas’ comprehensive plan was last updated in 2016. We have seen our population grow quickly, as well as changes in our community’s demographics, businesses and industries. In addition, new state legislation on housing (HB 1220, 1110, and 1337) and climate change (HB 1181) has been introduced requiring updates to the housing element and the addition of a climate element.

What goes in a comprehensive plan? Comprehensive plans are organized into planning elements, or chapters, that include a vision, overview, goals and policies specific to each element. Our Camas 2045 will develop the following elements:

  • Community Character (new)
  • Climate (new)
  • Land Use
  • Housing
  • Natural Environment
  • Transportation
  • Public Facilities and Services
  • Economic Development

The planning process will begin with developing a community vision for Camas, to establish where the community would like to be in 20 years. The City will conduct engagement activities including stakeholder interviews, surveys, community events and visioning summits. Visioning activities began in early 2024 and will engage our community in identifying what you love about Camas today and what you would change to make Camas an even better place to live, work, and play in the future.

Advisory Committees
Our Camas 2045 will be guided by three advisory committees – the Community Advisory Committee (CAC), Project Advisory Committee (PAC), and Climate Policy Advisory Team (CPAT). The committees will review and comment on draft products, guide public outreach and engagement efforts, provide technical and professional direction, act as liaisons to specific interest groups, and act as champions of Our Camas 2045. Committee rosters and meeting summaries can be found under Project Documents tab on the right side of this page.
Public Involvement
Multiple outreach events will be held to provide community members with opportunities to engage in the planning process and share your ideas. Stop by the Our Camas 2045 table at First Fridays, the Farmer's Market, and Camas Days. Fun and engaging community events will provide a variety of activities for Camas community members to share their ideas.

In conjunction with Our Camas 2045, the City is concurrently developing a subarea plan for downtown Camas. Our Downtown Camas 2045 will set a more detailed vision for Downtown Camas.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey provides an alternative way to participate in the Our Camas 2045 Community Summit held on June 12th, 2024. Please answer the following questions by Monday, June 17th.

    Share Our Camas 2045: Draft Vision Survey on Facebook Share Our Camas 2045: Draft Vision Survey on Twitter Share Our Camas 2045: Draft Vision Survey on Linkedin Email Our Camas 2045: Draft Vision Survey link
Page last updated: 16 Aug 2024, 12:23 PM