Everett Street Corridor Analysis

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Everett Street Corridor Analysis - graphic of project limits

Updated December 12, 2023

Special Council Workshop to Be Held Wednesday, December 20, 2023, 4:30 p.m.
Council will be convening for a special workshop to review the alternatives analysis and preferred concept. There will be no public comment. However, you may:

  • Use the Q & A section to submit a question by scrolling to the Ask a Question below.
  • Connect with a member of the project team by viewing the Who's Listening section to the right.
  • Send comments to council members by visiting the City website: About City Council | Camas WA (cityofcamas.us).

Thank You for Attending Open House #3 September 20, 2023

On Wed., Sept. 20, 2023, 6 pm, at Lacamas Lake Lodge, we held our third community open house, where we shared our progress on a design concept. One of the night's key messages was that we are in the early stages of this long-range, multi-phase project. We look forward to your continued input and participation.

***Please note: Additional off-street parking is being recommended with this project to support local businesses, residents, and recreational users.***

View the Open House #3 presentation here.

Want to learn more?

  • For presentations and materials, please see the Documents section of this webpage.
  • To connect with a member of the project team, view the Who's Listening section.
  • To submit a question, scroll to Ask a Question.

About the Project

Purpose – The City of Camas is evaluating the Everett Street Corridor from NE Lake Road to city limits near NE 3rd Street (not to be confused with NE 3rd Avenue running through downtown Camas) to determine how the roadway and intersections can be best configured to allow for safe, efficient passage through and access to the area by motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists who work, live, and play in Camas and the neighboring vicinities, while providing for planned growth.

Community Focus – Having kicked off this project in August 2022, no decisions have been made. An essential part of our efforts will be sharing information and gathering the feedback of residents, business owners, recreationalists, organizations, Camas School District, Clark County, and the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to ensure their priorities and values are reflected in the corridor design. There will be many opportunities for public involvement, and we invite you to be part of the discussion from start to finish.

Regional Significance – This critical project furthers the multimodal improvements (that is, improvements that benefit users of multiple modes of transportation such as walking, biking, and driving) achieved by the NE Lake Road–NE Everett Street roundabout while relieving traffic congestion for the corridor’s 15,000+ daily users. It will also set the stage for significant improvements throughout the region by connecting nearby recreational areas such as the Lacamas Lake North Shore, Lacamas Lake, Round Lake, and Crown Park, as well as school district facilities, neighborhoods, and local businesses.

Funding – This project is made possible by local funds and takes the project through approximately 20% of the design phase. Funding for additional design and construction will be pursued at a later date. Ultimately, improvements to the corridor are anticipated to take many years and will likely be completed in multiple phases.

Project Team – The project is led by City of Camas Public Works with support from PBS Engineering and Environmental, WSP, and Archaeological Investigations Northwest (AINW).

Updated December 12, 2023

Special Council Workshop to Be Held Wednesday, December 20, 2023, 4:30 p.m.
Council will be convening for a special workshop to review the alternatives analysis and preferred concept. There will be no public comment. However, you may:

  • Use the Q & A section to submit a question by scrolling to the Ask a Question below.
  • Connect with a member of the project team by viewing the Who's Listening section to the right.
  • Send comments to council members by visiting the City website: About City Council | Camas WA (cityofcamas.us).

Thank You for Attending Open House #3 September 20, 2023

On Wed., Sept. 20, 2023, 6 pm, at Lacamas Lake Lodge, we held our third community open house, where we shared our progress on a design concept. One of the night's key messages was that we are in the early stages of this long-range, multi-phase project. We look forward to your continued input and participation.

***Please note: Additional off-street parking is being recommended with this project to support local businesses, residents, and recreational users.***

View the Open House #3 presentation here.

Want to learn more?

  • For presentations and materials, please see the Documents section of this webpage.
  • To connect with a member of the project team, view the Who's Listening section.
  • To submit a question, scroll to Ask a Question.

About the Project

Purpose – The City of Camas is evaluating the Everett Street Corridor from NE Lake Road to city limits near NE 3rd Street (not to be confused with NE 3rd Avenue running through downtown Camas) to determine how the roadway and intersections can be best configured to allow for safe, efficient passage through and access to the area by motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists who work, live, and play in Camas and the neighboring vicinities, while providing for planned growth.

Community Focus – Having kicked off this project in August 2022, no decisions have been made. An essential part of our efforts will be sharing information and gathering the feedback of residents, business owners, recreationalists, organizations, Camas School District, Clark County, and the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to ensure their priorities and values are reflected in the corridor design. There will be many opportunities for public involvement, and we invite you to be part of the discussion from start to finish.

Regional Significance – This critical project furthers the multimodal improvements (that is, improvements that benefit users of multiple modes of transportation such as walking, biking, and driving) achieved by the NE Lake Road–NE Everett Street roundabout while relieving traffic congestion for the corridor’s 15,000+ daily users. It will also set the stage for significant improvements throughout the region by connecting nearby recreational areas such as the Lacamas Lake North Shore, Lacamas Lake, Round Lake, and Crown Park, as well as school district facilities, neighborhoods, and local businesses.

Funding – This project is made possible by local funds and takes the project through approximately 20% of the design phase. Funding for additional design and construction will be pursued at a later date. Ultimately, improvements to the corridor are anticipated to take many years and will likely be completed in multiple phases.

Project Team – The project is led by City of Camas Public Works with support from PBS Engineering and Environmental, WSP, and Archaeological Investigations Northwest (AINW).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    In August 2022, the City of Camas and its consultant team began evaluating the Everett Street Corridor from NE Lake Road to the northerly city limits (near NE 3rd Street). 


    Our purpose is to analyze the corridor using public input, data, and technical guidance to develop an improvement plan for providing safe, efficient passage and access for all. We will use the input, data, and guidance to develop design concepts for consideration, select one design concept (called a “preferred alternative”), and begin developing the preferred alternative into a design plan.


    Your input is essential to defining the needs of the community.


    Please answer the below questions about the form and function of the corridor. A summary of responses will be provided on EngageCamas.com, where you will also find future opportunities to participate and stay up to date with the project.

    Share Community Survey 1 on Facebook Share Community Survey 1 on Twitter Share Community Survey 1 on Linkedin Email Community Survey 1 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    In August 2022, the City of Camas and its consultant team began evaluating the Everett Street Corridor from NE Lake Road to city limits near NE 3rd Street (not to be confused with NE 3rd Avenue running through downtown Camas) to determine how the roadway and intersections can be best configured to allow for safe, efficient passage through and access to the area by motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists who work, live, and play in Camas and the neighboring vicinities, while providing for planned growth.

    Who We’ve Talked To & What We’ve Heard

    Since then, we have engaged corridor businesses and property owners, Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Camas City Council, and a technical advisory committee of more than a dozen representatives of the school district, emergency responders, businesses, the cycling community, accessibility advocates, and more. 

    Through a survey that ran from late November 2022 to early January 2023, here is how the community ranked their project priorities:

    How You Can Help

    Based on the priorities, concerns, and questions of hundreds of people, our evaluation process has entered a new phase. We are now gathering your feedback on potential configurations for the roadway to help drivers. Due to differences in terrain, space, and constraints along the corridor, we are looking at two sections of the corridor: that north of NE 43rd Avenue, and that south of NE 43rd Avenue.

    We are also collecting your input on potential configurations for sidewalks and bike lanes to aid pedestrians and cyclists. Because consistency increases safety and compliance, one configuration will likely be applied throughout the entire corridor.

    Your input is essential to define the needs of the community.

    Please review the possible configurations presented in this document here, as shared at the April 26, 2023, community open house.

    We will use the input, data, and guidance to further develop design concepts for consideration, select one design concept (called a “preferred alternative”), and begin developing the preferred alternative into a design plan.

    A summary of responses will be provided on EngageCamas.com, where you will also find future opportunities to participate and stay up to date with the project.

    Thank you!

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Page last updated: 12 Dec 2023, 11:45 AM