NW 38th Ave Street Improvements

Last Updated October 2, 2024
Project Updates
October 2, 2024 – NW Inglewood Street will be closed to through traffic starting Monday, October 7, to Friday, October 25. For reference, Inglewood runs north of NW 38th Avenue alongside Grass Valley Park. Dates are subject to change based on weather or unexpected circumstances. One-laned flagged traffic will continue on NW 38th Avenue through July 31, 2025. Please use an alternate route.
August 26, 2024 – Rotschy, Inc., will start construction as early as September 9, 2024, contingent on the delivery of materials. Flaggers will be present and intermittent traffic delays for motorists are expected from the start of construction for approximately 14 months. Please use an alternate route when possible. Pedestrians and bicyclists will be able to access the area using temporary designated routes. Grass Valley Park, including the parking lot, park, courts, and fields, will be accessible throughout this process, as will Gold’s Gym.
February 15, 2024 – Based on the grant funding being used on the project, WSDOT, acting on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration, has review and approval authority over the bidding process. WSDOT has determined through an extensive process involving the Contractors that the low bids received do not meet the required criteria for payment to Disadvantage Business Enterprises. As such, the City is recommending to the City Council to reject all bids and re-advertise the project for new bids.
November 13, 2023 – The City is now actively seeking construction bids for this project, with the bid opening scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on November 29, 2023. This contract covers work to reconstruct NW 38th Avenue (from NW Parker St. to Grass Valley Park) in the City of Camas, WA. The work consists of approx. 2,400 linear feet of street reconstruction, cement amended soil, curb ramps, sidewalk, curb and gutter, structural walls, stormwater collection treatment and detention, landscaping and irrigation, signing, striping, illumination, and other related items. All materials are subject to the Build America, Buy America (BABA) provisions as detailed in these documents and specifications.
September 7, 2023 – The schedule for bidding and formal award of the project to a contractor has been delayed pending authorization of construction funding by WSDOT. Bidding and award of the project is now expected to occur in the fall of 2023, with construction beginning in late 2023 or early 2024.
July 31, 2023 – NW Natural is now relocating some of its underground utilities in preparation for future roadwork. Next, we will advertise for bid, meaning we’ll publicize the project, and construction companies can submit bids for the work. After we select a company, we will determine construction timing.
January 15, 2023 – Relocation of electrical and communication facilities within the roadway has begun. This work is expected to be completed in March 2023. Additional utility relocations will follow and are expected to continue through Spring 2023.
August 25, 2022 – Happy back to school season! We are completing the design stage of the project and anticipate property acquisitions to be completed within the next few months. By the time the project is complete, 38th Avenue will have bike lanes, sidewalks and streetlights, making it a safer multimodal avenue for motor vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. If you’re interested in additional information about the project, the open house recording is available here on EngageCamas, below.
May 31, 2022 – Since the community meeting on April 21, 2022, the City has submitted documentation to Washington Department of Transportation for additional grant funding for the purchase of property required to construct the project. It is anticipated that this property acquisition will occur in the next six months.
Thank you for attending our Zoom Open House
View materials from the April 21, 2022, event;
About the project
The third and final phase of the NW 38th Avenue corridor project is now underway. Work will include approximately half a mile of roadway and frontage improvements on NW 38th Avenue, beginning at the intersection of NW 38th Avenue and NW Parker Street and ending at Grass Valley Park.
Planned improvements:
- One lane of traffic in each direction
- A left-turn lane
- Bike lanes
- Sidewalks
- Streetlights
- Raised islands
- Landscaping
- Irrigation
- Stormwater upgrades
The NW 38th Avenue corridor is a vital connection for Camas residents accessing business and recreation activities on 192nd avenue. As with the two prior phases of the corridor project, the improvements will improve mobility in the area and ensure a safe multimodal transportation system for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists.
Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council awarded federal Surface Transportation Block Grants for the federal share of this project.
Project funding sources are federal grants and supplemental local funding from transportation impact fees and real estate excise tax, as follows:
Design and Right-of-Way Acquisition
- Federal Grants – $1,026,700
- Local funds – $ 252,300
- Federal Grants – $1,886,400
- Local funds – $4,213,600
Contact info
City of Camas Project Manager Allen Westersund
- awestersund@cityofcamas.us
- 360-817-7919
City of Camas Capital Projects Manager Jim Hodges
- jhodges@cityofcamas.us
- 360-817-7234
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